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Over the course of this training, you will be introduced to Kambo first hand and build a personal relationship with the medicine. You will learn about practical safety guidelines, energetic clearing of self and space, traditional use in the jungle, guidelines for self-administration and serving others. Participants will serve themselves a total of four times, in different ways, meanwhile cover all aspects of training through a free format dialog.

After completion of the training, you will have access to the support of our growing and thriving online community of healers and practitioners. This will be a great place to share and learn as you deepen your relationship with the medicine – on your own and within your community.

This course provides the opportunity to cultivate a strong foundation with Kambo and we suggest that you primarily serve yourself Kambo regularly for several months, so that you can fully embody the energy of the medicine before you begin to serve others.

You will learn about using Rapé, Sananga eyedrops, Agua Florida, Camalonga, and chakapa and how to use them within your Kambo ceremony.

1 kambo sticks included 

At Home Training - LA/Orange County, CA

  • Availability

    At-Home Training is offered on weekends only (including fridays)

  • Disclaimer

    The registration fee is non-refundable to attend this training. Training must be paid in full to attend. Bufo Training requires a minimum of 2 attendees. If a quantity less than 2 is purchased for Bufo Training, your order will be automatically refunded.  Trainings are non-refundable as we are a non-profit organization and you receive donation status with any purchase for therapies received or educational training. Retreats can be rescheduled or “gifted to someone in need” if you are not able to attend your proposed dates. Should this be the case for you, please put your request in writing and our Administrators will make sure that your account will be transferred appropriately.



By purchasing from us, your money helps support our mission as well as the tribes

and the work we do with them and the Amazon jungle.

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